Welcome to Phoenix’s world-changing Salon

A portmanteau. A treasure trove. A time capsule. A poetry book. A diary. A photo album. Memories. Dreams. Wishes. Hopes. An open letter to an unsuspecting public. An intimate confession to close friends. A declaration of intent. A whisper of love. A personal record. An experiment in introspection. A performance space. A political rant. A wild yawp. Why do any of us publish our words and images online? Come, dream with me.

[MELBOURNE] Merri Creek Labyrinth…

I rang the Merri Creek Management Committee to enquire about planting a tree for Harper near the labyrinth and was told there are plans for that area and that the labyrinth is "not an official structure". I expressed my surprise and noted that many pagan...

Still work to do…

Another International Women's Day and no rally in Melbourne. Hmmm. Do people think the work's all been done? I don't have time to do the sort of extensive research I'd usually do for a post like this and quote stats at you all and provide links for all my references;...

New photos…

New photos…

"If you come near my family, I will zap you with these lasers, m'kay?""Thank you for the cool outfit, the_kimba !""See? I'm not allergic to pink, just pastels!" (in real life, this swaddle actually looks even more like...

Phoenix Emberstone

Phoenix Emberstone

passionate political poet

These are poems and meanderings that made their way to the page. I’d love to hear what you think of them. Want to get in touch? Drop me a line!

Photo of Rosanne Bersten

View my portfolio

I am also known as Ro Bersten, a communications specialist with more than 20 years’ experience. See my CV and professional projects.