Welcome to Phoenix’s world-changing Salon

A portmanteau. A treasure trove. A time capsule. A poetry book. A diary. A photo album. Memories. Dreams. Wishes. Hopes. An open letter to an unsuspecting public. An intimate confession to close friends. A declaration of intent. A whisper of love. A personal record. An experiment in introspection. A performance space. A political rant. A wild yawp. Why do any of us publish our words and images online? Come, dream with me.

Who’s Papa’s little Nietzschean?

I was a precocious brat. I'm sure that doesn't need stating for most of you, but just in case some of you haven't met me in person and therefore couldn't deduce it, I thought I'd make it clear. Today Mum told me that, aged four, Jehovah's witnesses came to the door...

Human rights consultation

Went to the Human Rights Charter consultation in Dandenong today. Was very interesting -- lots of discussion at my table on political rights vs social and cultural rights, the framework for rights in Australia (constitutional vs legislative), discussion of the need...


It's not often I 'advertise' for someone but two separate people have given Harper toys I'm completely thrilled about (Lizzie the aqua lizard, gifted by Jo Sumner and Ellie the Elephant gifted by  ) and they both turn out, completely coincidentally, to be from...


It's Pesach -- Passover -- the one Jewish festival I've been pretty good about observing ever since I had a revelation playing a roleplaying game by Craig Walker (), ironically called Revelations 68:11 (or something, I may have the chapter and verse wrong) at a...

Stuff for nerdy babies!!!!

You know how I keep saying we pretty much have everything we need now? I lied. Particularly the ABC flashcards and the baby book. A place to record our infant's experiments with gravity! So cute!

False accusations…

  linked to this precis of a report into the false accusations of rape. It reminds me I've been meaning to write a post on the false rape accusation that is central to To Kill a Mockingbird. We watched the film of it recently (having named our daughter after the...

Brilliant Guardian April Fools

Guardian switches to Twitter and converts entire back catalog too, resulting in genius tweets such as:JFK assassin8d @ Dallas, def. heard second gunshot from grassy knoll WTFFull article

Pure baby… ?

Jack & I went to Pure Baby's factory outlet yesterday and I bought two organic muslin swaddles. They're gorgeous. They're also ridiculously cheap, as are all the other clothes there, despite being organic cotton. Why? They're made in China. The web site says that...

Phoenix Emberstone

Phoenix Emberstone

passionate political poet

These are poems and meanderings that made their way to the page. I’d love to hear what you think of them. Want to get in touch? Drop me a line!

Photo of Rosanne Bersten

View my portfolio

I am also known as Ro Bersten, a communications specialist with more than 20 years’ experience. See my CV and professional projects.