Welcome to Phoenix’s world-changing Salon

A portmanteau. A treasure trove. A time capsule. A poetry book. A diary. A photo album. Memories. Dreams. Wishes. Hopes. An open letter to an unsuspecting public. An intimate confession to close friends. A declaration of intent. A whisper of love. A personal record. An experiment in introspection. A performance space. A political rant. A wild yawp. Why do any of us publish our words and images online? Come, dream with me.


Blank pages have always intimidated me And I hesitate to describe minutiae again Lumps and aches, dull anchor points into limb And earth and stretched muscle when I crave flight Gift me air. Gift me uplift. Gift me weightlessness. Kiss me into feathers.

I pass.

It is a lynchpin of my life Outsider on the inside Yet I slide under radar Designed to trap my fellow Queers, genderfreaks, Colonised souls. I infiltrate privileged spaces with my passing. I come out over and over Discomfit the comfortable I may look white But my...

Mornings I meander down Degraves

A small slice of Europe. Cafe Lorca Makes me crave huevos de gamba and strong black coffee Il Papiro whispering to me of Firenze and the old bridge across the Arno looking up towards Ponte alle Grazie Bookshops that laugh at me because I'm not in the Marais and throw...

God, what a day

A child gashes their foot on a sharp screw, unattended. Her mother complacent, absent. A man misinterprets a word here and next thing you know, furniture raised overhead, glass tinkles as it's smashed, drawers flung across a room leave gaping wounds in a chest  —...

I almost missed a day

And it turns out that's unforgivable Because I'm now writing lines to you in my head Lying in the dark in my bed It doesn't matter that I sent you other words Surreptitious in the social stream Oscar Wilde's hand soft on Walt Whitman's knee Let us be to each other...

I am writing lost love letters

I am writing lost love letters to ampersands, my favourite — with its curlicues in arcane typefaces, it peeks out at me from designer invitations & grungy restaurant names & I play seek. I invent reasons to unfurl my ampersands & sneak our way into...

airborne (perspective)

AND here i am again sitting in a seat in the sky rocky, knocked against the seatbelt, thinking how peaceful and my three-and-a-half year old waiting at the gate, thinking not ready to go, not this time, as we glide down and i see your matchbox cars wending through...

Another rape in cyberspace

The Charlotte Dawson case, which has now resulted in her hospitalisation, says a lot about the way that women are treated in social media spaces and the divergent tactics that are used to address the issue.

out of sorts

my clothes don't match today such a simple thing to turn confident strides into frumpy shrinking such a long way from flowing ochre silks or scarlet coats; my mind hunches in concert, narrowed, pinched, as if the scope of thought permitted directly correlates to style...

Death, death, death

For Brian Widdows, Jaime's daughter Kaya and Ceredwyn and Keith's cousin There is an infinite sadness in certain acts that cannot be escaped and tonight I grapple with the trifecta: A murder, a suicide, the death of a baby moments before it entered the world Around...

Sliding into Sydney

When we were young we watched incandescent flickering images of people rising like a sea from train stations, koyaanisqatsi in the Valhalla cinema on Glebe Point Road late at night and we swore we would never become one of these faceless creatures on escalators, on...

I’m a feminist and I support Wikileaks

Whenever I've raised the complex interactions I see around the arrest of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, I find myself mired in defending my position. If I say I support his work and that I welcome the new world where governments cannot collude in...

The trip to America…

In October, we went to the US on what Doug called the Tour de Harper. The timing was partly to make it to my cousin David's wedding to the ever awesome Rachel and partly to get in before Harper's plane ticket actually cost money. We ended up on nine planes in 30 days...


My sister unknowingly let me in on a secret today. In our family, there are no diminutive nicknames of affection for grandparents and great-grandparents, merely a rollcall of patronyms: Grandma Bersten, Grandma Levine, Grandma Bass.


In the beginning Love is wordless It is the touch of skin Suckling. A cuddle in the dark. Then love is simple I love you mama Means you are my world And you are comfort and Healing to me In teenhood love is mercenary. I love you ma means Thanks for letting me Borrow...


I am not entirely certain how any of us make it through unscathed, what with spitting frying pans just out of reach and the temptation of roundabouts reversing cars in driveways epidemics from exotic locales the drunk driver who slams into the rear of the car...

Recipe for joy

Here's how I imagined it: Take one house, preferably custom-built; add careful wrought-iron fixtures and a wooden spiral stair, ceiling-high bookshelves, a garden filled with lavender and wisteria. Place in a rolling yard backing onto rainforest, a sandstone path...

Imbolc spell

In the still night, you, the moon, the water. Safe in my belly, my little turtle, Come venture into the light, my daughter Amidst the chaos, her father caught her, held her tight, so, tiny, poignant, mortal. In the still night: you, the moon, the water. Those first...

Phoenix Emberstone

Phoenix Emberstone

passionate political poet

These are poems and meanderings that made their way to the page. I’d love to hear what you think of them. Want to get in touch? Drop me a line!

Photo of Rosanne Bersten

View my portfolio

I am also known as Ro Bersten, a communications specialist with more than 20 years’ experience. See my CV and professional projects.