Welcome to Phoenix’s world-changing Salon

A portmanteau. A treasure trove. A time capsule. A poetry book. A diary. A photo album. Memories. Dreams. Wishes. Hopes. An open letter to an unsuspecting public. An intimate confession to close friends. A declaration of intent. A whisper of love. A personal record. An experiment in introspection. A performance space. A political rant. A wild yawp. Why do any of us publish our words and images online? Come, dream with me.

Women and the International Political Economy

I didn't post last week's topic: it was military sexual slavery and dealt with Japanese comfort women and Bosnian rape camps and I didn't really need to discuss what I was doing. I used a tutorial technique called the jigsaw to get different groups to discuss aspects...

Politics and babies

I feel somewhat remiss. In all of my busyness, I have failed to post anything meaningful about Babygate, the Fairfax strike or, for that matter, as my mother pointed out, the lgealisation of abortion in Victoria (about bloody time).Since I don't have anything more...

Women and the military

The topic for today's tutorial is based on one of the essay topics: Are feminist critiques of militarism essentialist?Many of you who know me will know this is a pet topic. And one I get quite stuck on. My arguments are based on social construction of gender, but...

I love university life

Seen not five minutes ago pelting down the main pathway near the South Lawn: at least 25 men and three women, all wearing nothing but their shoes and socks, in the middle of Melbourne's chilly winter. If this were yesterday, they would have had a little sun, but today...

Violence against women

I'm not going to recap the arguments right this second (in part because I'm still finishing the reading and don't have time; in part because I've taught domestic violence as part of previous subjects and don't feel I need to). I may do so later... I'm a little annoyed...

Phoenix Emberstone

Phoenix Emberstone

passionate political poet

These are poems and meanderings that made their way to the page. I’d love to hear what you think of them. Want to get in touch? Drop me a line!

Photo of Rosanne Bersten

View my portfolio

I am also known as Ro Bersten, a communications specialist with more than 20 years’ experience. See my CV and professional projects.