Welcome to Phoenix’s world-changing Salon

A portmanteau. A treasure trove. A time capsule. A poetry book. A diary. A photo album. Memories. Dreams. Wishes. Hopes. An open letter to an unsuspecting public. An intimate confession to close friends. A declaration of intent. A whisper of love. A personal record. An experiment in introspection. A performance space. A political rant. A wild yawp. Why do any of us publish our words and images online? Come, dream with me.

Feminism and the Obamas

One of my concerns recently has been the issue of Michelle Obama and her role in the new American administration. blithespirit  mentioned the other day that she has said she won't have an office in the West Wing, unlike Clinton before her. I said I hoped that was...

Of Birthdays and Bliss

What a wonderful couple of days.First of all, I didn't have to work yesterday (tutoring is over and marking hasn't started yet) and I wasn't too sick to enjoy it. Instead, we cleaned house while listening to KQED streaming online and slowly built up excitement. (Well,...

OMFG! He did it!

KQED reporting that McCain has called Obama and conceded. I almost don't believe it. We're bringing Harper into a world that might actually be worth being in after all. *cries*

What we can do

A couple of people responded to my last post (either on the post or elsewhere) with direct questions about how we can stop these things from occurring or with expressions of helplessness.I've decided my best response is to make a new post here for maximum...

Ugliest face of fundamentalism

This makes me cry.13-year-old girl stoned to death because she was raped. That makes her a dirty adulterer, of course. The three men who raped her? Not even charged. Still walking free.Oh, yeah, post-feminist world my bloody arse.

Reclaim the night

I feel somewhat remiss in not having promoted the Reclaim the Night march here. I keep forgetting most of you don't work at a University across which posters are plastered promoting such worthy events.Nonetheless. the awesome nihilla  made it and we hung out....

Freaking awesome journalism

For anyone who's interested in women and the media (and you all know that's one of *my* Mastermind special topics), check out this terrific piece from Salon on how women newscasters in the US have covered this election.

Prostitution and trafficking of women

I haven't been posting my tutorial topics in the last few weeks because much of my pre-tute time was taken up with marking and then (shock, horror) actually seeing students who wanted to talk about their grades and how they could improve what they're doing.Besides,...

Phoenix Emberstone

Phoenix Emberstone

passionate political poet

These are poems and meanderings that made their way to the page. I’d love to hear what you think of them. Want to get in touch? Drop me a line!

Photo of Rosanne Bersten

View my portfolio

I am also known as Ro Bersten, a communications specialist with more than 20 years’ experience. See my CV and professional projects.