The work situation

In the end, I left so quickly most of you don’t know the circumstances. I’m on a six-month tourist visa, a B2, which means I can’t do work for American companies as an employee but I can *look* for work here and I can *do* work for Australian...

Announcing 11°south

After severe birth pangs, 11°south has arrived. You can visit our new travel mag online at… or pick it up in print from airports and backpackers as soon as we get distribution sorted out. Magnation in Elizabeth St, Melbourne will...

Got some free time? Need some money?

Are you a uni student with some spare time on your hands? Have a little brother or sister who is? Reliable? Stylish and know all the right places? Have your own car? Vanguard Media is looking for someone to do delivery for our mini-mag once a month. We figure it would...