Elegy for Tracey

I A dream in which the women were like Venus made me think of art and you. You’re a botticelli-baby; if I dipped a sheet of paper into your mind, it would come out marbled in oils and watercolour and with bits of moulded clay on the edges. Equally, you sculpt...

Unsolicited Advice

Worship where you can lest life become empty earthenware or barren circus rings. For some it’s a world of watercolour mood: search for it, hold it fast if you find it. Where you feel like screaming, do. Sound also can lift into the void and echo somewhere. If...

Midnight; black-tie;b.y.o.

In theory, I can only write like me, but reality is less defined. I do my best not to steal from others, but some influence is obviously inevitable. If it could be wished into being, like a genie, I’d have a style that would shout my name. As it is, the lines...
reality is for people who can’t handle drugs

reality is for people who can’t handle drugs

easy now time is a fragile word betrays its obscurity like a whisper past and future blend into a dream that might come true. life’s a series of physicalities but how to report myself on the missing persons list remains a problem. it used to be I could look into...

To Yevgeny Yevtushenko

I Allow me to disagree. The first presentiment is not shame — nothing committed, nothing to be guilty for. The first presentiment is an unaccountable loss, a feeling that there is something that was supposed to be done somewhere, a forgotten task that we may or...