Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu

Everything they say is true. Aguas Calientes is a tacky tourist town; the entire train trip there and prices in town are outrageous with discriminatory pricing for tourists and it’s all worth it.On the first day, we got onto the bus and clutched each other...


We ended up treating the name of this town like a tongue-twister: Ollantaytambo, ollantaytambo. It’s the “y” of the “olla”, you see. Very hard to get around.But we made it to Ollantaytambo on the morning bus out of Pisac and found Hostal...

If this is Wednesday, it must be Pisac

Pisac was lovely. A tiny town of only 2000 souls, the main square was entirely taken up by a colorful market selling everything from jewelry to backpacks and more. It started to pour so we bought some raingear from the nearby gear shop and I bought an alpaca wool...


Back to paying for Internet. Ah well. At least this place has a computer advanced enough to cope with the thumb drive containing the images but I don’t have time to arrange prettily. You’ll just have to go see for yourself.We spent a lovely day yesterday...

Navel of the universe

Thanks to the amazingly dry air of Cuzco, my lovely Mnemosyne has dried out and is functioning again. However I cannot yet show you photos because the hostel’s PC is running Windows 98 and it refuses to recognise the thumb drive. Bah.Cuzco is delightful and...