Doug update

Doug visited the Australian embassy in Auckland today and they placed a peach-coloured sticker in his passport which will be “activated” as a visa when he re-enters the country next Tuesday. Yay!Now that he’s got all the official stuff out of the...

Full circle

Back in Cupertino… We just did 26 states in 30 days and it was just a tad insane.I guess I was overcome by election fever in Austin. The next day in Austin was great, late morning cuddling listening to the rain fall on the roof, dragging ourselves out around...

N’awlins jazz, baby

Our second and final day in N’awlins was divine. Breakfast at the Camellia Grill in South Carrollton with far too much butter in the omelette (I could feel the weight piling on) followed by a driving tour of the Garden District, a trolley ride into the French...

New Orleans night out

Arrived in New Orleans and wandered around the Vieux Carré. Resisted the impulse to revert to Anne Rice and Poppy Z Brite fangirl worship (but did go to Bourbon St for Lost Souls’ sake). Ate oysters there. It’s an awful strip of strip clubs now.The rest...

Politics, art and liberty

The last days in New York were overcast then rainy, but we walked the Brooklyn Bridge and I spent a bunch of time in MOMA and the Met. I didn’t make it to the Guggenheim because it was closed on Thursday when I tried.Still, the Georgia O’Keeffes at the Met...