Who’s Papa’s little Nietzschean?

I was a precocious brat. I’m sure that doesn’t need stating for most of you, but just in case some of you haven’t met me in person and therefore couldn’t deduce it, I thought I’d make it clear. Today Mum told me that, aged four,...


It’s Pesach — Passover — the one Jewish festival I’ve been pretty good about observing ever since I had a revelation playing a roleplaying game by Craig Walker (), ironically called Revelations 68:11 (or something, I may have the chapter and...

Chanukah, already

I didn’t write earlier about the weirdness of seeing Chanukah things in the shops here. (Hmmm. I said I was going to run this journal with a Chicago Manual of Style until I got back from the US but I don’t have it with me. For now I’m sticking with...

The people of the Book vs the people of books

I really like this post from catvincent on religion and The Book. And I think I have a new .sig: “Those three Peoples of the Book are at war again… All three are reading their Book more literally, less metaphorically. The pages on compassion flash by as...