“How Rich Breeders Changed the World”

Ross Gittins is a great writer who I relied on extensively in high school to explain complex economics. His latest article in the SMH is on a fascinating book by Gregory Clark, a professor of economics at the University of California, Davis. The book, A Farewell To...

Life begins at 0, apparently

Via various people: Crazy US right-wing moral majority try to redefine abortion to include any contraception that prevents a fertilised ovum from implanting in the uterine wall. Agh, please don’t let this go through. Come on Obama, get yourself elected and save...

Women’s rights are human rights

How and to what extent can women’s interests be advanced through human rights theory and activism? This is a question near and dear to me. I have been involved with Amnesty International for many, many years, writing letters from a young age, volunteering during my...

Gendering International Politics

I start tutoring for Sheila Jeffreys today in International Gender Politics at Melbourne University. I thought it might be an interesting exercise to blog my thoughts on the lectures and some notes towards my ideas that I’ll explore in the tutes. If nothing...