Journalism in troubled times

Every week, a journalist somewhere is killed or assaulted for simply doing their job.This extraordinary editorial by the murdered editor of the Sri Lankan Sunday Leader was apparently written just a few days before his death.May these brave souls continue their work....

A human rights act for Australia

This is hugely important. It’s the 60th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.The Australian Attorney-General has just announced a consultation panel to investigate the possibility of a Human Rights Act for Australia. We are one of the...

I’ll be a post-feminist in a post-patriarchy

I’ve been meaning to do this post for a while now.Amnesty International recently promoted 16 days of an end to violence against women. One in three women in Australia will be victims of violence by someone intimately known to them in their lifetimes. I count...

Feminism and the Obamas

One of my concerns recently has been the issue of Michelle Obama and her role in the new American administration. blithespirit  mentioned the other day that she has said she won’t have an office in the West Wing, unlike Clinton before her. I said I hoped...

OMFG! He did it!

KQED reporting that McCain has called Obama and conceded. I almost don’t believe it. We’re bringing Harper into a world that might actually be worth being in after all. *cries*