Ding, dong, the warlock’s dead

Ding, dong, the warlock’s dead

I spent my first American thanksgiving in aethyrflux’s house and was treated with gluten-free homemade delights and I baked gluten-free chocolate cupcakes. The next night we had an all-nighter and I tracked the biggest change in our political landscape.I am...

We did it!

I’m reading on everyone’s LJs that he’s gone. I can’t quite believe it. The ABC and SBS web sites don’t have the concession news yet. Thank you, my blogging friends. We did it. I can’t believe it. Now we’ve got a few small...

Oh My Yes!!!!!!

I’m reloading the ABC election coverage in between having awesome conversations with a hot chick about implicit racial assumptions and listening to Doug talking about Stephen Colbert roasting Bush in the White House Press Dinner and I’m so freaking pumped...
Ding, dong, the warlock’s dead

Damn time difference

I want the polls to close so they can start counting and the ABC can start posting Australian electoral results. I’m at a friend’s in Austin and we’re staying up for at least a while so I can keep watch.I want to come back to a country which does not...

Politics, art and liberty

The last days in New York were overcast then rainy, but we walked the Brooklyn Bridge and I spent a bunch of time in MOMA and the Met. I didn’t make it to the Guggenheim because it was closed on Thursday when I tried.Still, the Georgia O’Keeffes at the Met...