Heal the world

This is the post I promised ages ago about charity.It relates to reading To Heal a Fractured World by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. It’s prompted tonight in part by watching American Gangster and being reminded yet again about Jewish ethics. Throughout the film, the...

The National Apology

“Today we honour the Indigenous peoples of this land, the oldest continuing cultures in human history. We reflect on their past mistreatment. We reflect in particular on the mistreatment of those who were stolen generations – this blemished chapter in our...


I said I’d write about the apology to indigenous Australians and I meant to at length, but that was before Doug and I popped La Vie en Rose into the DVD player. Intense movie and lengthy. Very, very impressive. I knew Edith Piaf had a hard life but I had no idea...

Sanity prevails

I am very glad to read that Gillian Gibbons has been released in Sudan over this whole teddy bear incident. I can’t remember whose journal initially linked to an article interviewing the seven-year-old boy who initially suggested the name but the outcry that...
Is that the sound of Pauline Hanson choking?

Is that the sound of Pauline Hanson choking?

In a book she wrote, well-known racist and scaremonger, Senator Pauline Hanson, warned Australia about the future, where an Asian cyborg lesbian would be running the country [note: link goes to PDF of Hansard quoting the book]. Today, newly sworn-in Labor Prime...