Australian troops out of Iraq!

How did I freaking miss this? Apparently, on Sunday, the last Australian combat troops in Iraq lowered the Aussie flag and they’ll all be home by June 28.Break out the champagne, people! Rudd, I could kiss you!Not that I think our responsibility for the damage...

When is slavery not slavery?

This is one of those posts I said I was going to write a little while ago.When is slavery not slavery? When it’s ‘debt-bondage’, apparently.Wei Tang was a madam, with five Thai sex workers in her “employ”. Or at least that’s what...

Rudd’s letting us down…

It’s not often I just repost things verbatim, but this one has more credibility if I do. Rudd’s government was expected to do better for refugees, although the mandatory detention debacle was not just a Liberal party policy. The Minister for Immigration...
Couldn’t have said it better myself

Couldn’t have said it better myself

Via p_cat: In the corridors of power, the best woman knows her place.This opinion piece, by Fairfax’s Catherine Deveny, is a bitter swipe at Australia’s fairly pervasive misogynist culture. It’s a funny thing: we’re moving into a new era with...

Lest we forget

War is horrible. It is not glorious and dying for your country is not brave. Standing up and refusing to fight is brave [*]. Condemning violence is brave.Today is ANZAC day. For those who don’t know what that means, or who want to be reminded, please play this...