Poetry update

All righty then. Many late nights in front of the telly later and I have migrated 61 of my poems into the new system, slightly tweaked with feedback from various folks and moved to my own server since I couldn’t fiddle with colours and CSS if it stayed on...

Poetry and the young today

I meandered down to my first poetry gig for a long while tonight, mainly because good old Tim Hamilton (drzero) was featuring at the Spinning Room. He was as amazing as he ever was, and possibly even more so, with the new pieces about Paris and some of the Minor...


I have a little project under construction… a hypertext poem. I think it may be ready for a public outing… Presenting a tale of chance and magic, love, a mask-maker, a star-gazer and a fire-dancer…

Playing around…

Going through some old poetry, found this. Can’t remember if I’ve posted it before… As a child I collected swatches of colour Citrine and smoke, jasper and brick, Built secret lives in patterns, rehearsed Intimate disclosures, carefully structured...