The aftermath

A good night at the poetry gig with a pleasing attendance and good book sales (sold 16, which isn’t really a lot from 50, so I have a ton left). Who wanted and where am I sending them? E-mail with orders and I will respond with payment...


Does anyone (in Melbourne) have a data projector I could borrow for the poetry gig this Tuesday night?

Two other things

1. One of my Melbourne Uni colleagues, Meg Mundell, has written one of the best articles I’ve seen in recent years about bisexuality for The Age. Also, the fabulous nihilla (Bonnie) is interviewed in it. 2. Would you pay $12 for a pocket-sized book of my poems?...

Good stuff

1. {ariel flux} is back online after many hours of craziness and a steep learning curve. It’s still running the old software, but I will fiddle around with a test upgrade on a test site now rather than trying it with the live site. Best to learn before you start...

A poem is a city

Have just seen Factotum at the Nova with Matt, so I thought I’d post this Bukowski poem that’s in it, while I get my head together to write the review for {ariel flux}. A Poem is a City by Charles Bukowskia poem is a city filled with streets and sewers...