The Earth is singing

This is one of the most beautiful articles I’ve ever read.Me, I like to think of the Earth as essentially a giant Tibetan singing bowl, flicked by the middle finger of God and set to a mesmerizing, low ring for about 10 billion years until the tone begins to...

Late notice: Poetry gig, Tuesday May 6

It’s been a while, but I have been invited to perform my poetry at The Spinning Room this Tuesday. I’ll be reading for around 20 minutes starting from around 9.30 and there’s an open section starting from around 8.30pm.I was hoping to have more of my...

Vale Ted Lord

Ted Lord was a poet and community-minded individual who hosted Dan O’Connell poetry on a Saturday for many, many years in Melbourne. I was sad this morning to read of his death, although he’d had a long life and from what I can gather, a hard one at times....

This Saturday: Women’s poetry

One last thing for women’s day: “World Poetry and the Federation of Australian Writers are committed to research, curate and publicise through their extensive networks to present the monthly poetry@fedsquare event between 2-4PM on the second Saturday of...

First poem in a long time

Saw Children of Men last night. Quite intense. This (draft only) was the result. Why we did nothing Men are being tortured right now in Guantanamo Bay Here on our island a whole class of people Can now be detained without charge Indefinitely They will be the...