The 6th Great Extinction

The 6th Great Extinction

There are no platypus under the bridge again today. It’s the fourth week in a row and we all ask each other Instead of ‘hello’, “Seen any platypus?” — hopeful And each time, it’s “Not today… not for a while…” None of us know whether it’s...

Death, death, death

For Brian Widdows, Jaime’s daughter Kaya and Ceredwyn and Keith’s cousin There is an infinite sadness in certain acts that cannot be escaped and tonight I grapple with the trifecta: A murder, a suicide, the death of a baby moments before it entered the...

Vale Dorothy Porter

Dorothy Porter, Australian poet, inspiration and mentor, has died of cancer aged 54.Dorothy, I first met you when I was 18. I was a young poet, bright and shiny-eyed, desperate to impress you. You were my new poetry teacher at the University of Technology, Sydney, and...
New poem

New poem

Given that there are only 8 readers of mordwen_poetry, I should probably mention that I wrote a new poem today, in response to Lisa’s cremation.