Navel of the universe

Thanks to the amazingly dry air of Cuzco, my lovely Mnemosyne has dried out and is functioning again. However I cannot yet show you photos because the hostel’s PC is running Windows 98 and it refuses to recognise the thumb drive. Bah.Cuzco is delightful and...

He kissed her… ar-dent-ly

One of the first Australian films I ever showed Doug was The Old Man who Read Love Stories, Rolf de Heer’s divine piece about the Amazon jungle with Richard Dreyfus as an old man learning to read. He has this beautiful latino accent as he reads these trashy love...

Deepest, darkest Peru

I can understand why Paddington Bear needed a duffle coat in England if he was used to the heat of the Amazon. We stepped off the plane and instantly felt the muggy love.The boat ride to Explorer’s inn was already amazing. We saw turtles on the Tambopata river...

Las ruinas

Finally got to Pachacamac, the Inca ruins south of Lima. Quite incredible. We wandered around for a while wondering why they had built their huge temples and city here when we went up inside the Templo del Sol and over it and suddenly could see the entire Pacific...