Spring has sprung

Today was utterly wonderful. A marvellous picnic in the park with a parade of lovely friends, in the sun (although the wind was a bit of a pain) and then I wandered up High Street to the High Vibes festival where I bumped into many other friends and acquaintances,...
Vale Lisa Maree Chivers, 1971 – 2008

Vale Lisa Maree Chivers, 1971 – 2008

Lisa’s funeral this morning was lovely. I was right: she was about my age — 6 weeks younger, in fact. We still don’t know how she died. My only new information is that she died in her sleep, she looked peaceful and she seemed to have fallen asleep...
A reminder

A reminder

This is a small reminder for myself and a teensy gift to my love, not because he needs it, but as a way of telling him that I get it when it’s put this way. There’s a lot of Richard Bach in here, but more succinct. Thanks to crystal_storm.