Yay for the Department of Immigration!

Whoever thought I’d be writing a subject-line like that, huh? Still, Doug just got his confirmation letter granting him a Spouse Visa (Provisional) and saying they’re transferring the file from Washington to Auckland which usually takes three working days....

We’re throwing things away!

It’s true! We’re also selling things, but some things just have to go. The little blue apartment will be having a clearance sale on Saturday, February 9. We’ll be selling a futon bed (base and mattress, queen-sized), a regular mattress (queen-sized,...

On our way

Despite last minute scrambles to get extra paperwork and half-plans for Doug to stay an extra week in the hopes that the Immigration Department will issue his prospective spouse visa now, we’ve decided to take the flight as planned tonight, so we’ll see...
The goodbye game

The goodbye game

This last week is kinda crazy. There are people we’d love to say goodbye to in person but can’t for one reason or another — anthologie is booked up, mizchalmers is in New York, joedecker is in Patagonia. We had a fabulous dinner with galagushka and...