Press freedom in the digital era

I sub-edited Journalism in Troubled Times for the IFJ a few years ago. It’s a sad fact that journalism is not a safe career choice in many countries and that people who cover war zones and other areas also put themselves at risk (I believe that this week another...

International TIME zones

Yes, that’s the terribly tacky name for the next session where Michael Elliot, International Editor and Deputy Managing Editor of TIME magazine is talking to us about all the TIME branded products. Finally, someone’s talking about magazines.Bite-sized,...

Digital natives

Interestingly, the session this morning on “digital natives”, the people who are already embracing the future, features three women. Cinnamon Pollard — woman behind for Fairfax to try and get younger people online; Rebekah Horne...

Will media survive? In what way?

The luminaries of the Australian media scene swan in and out of the conference. Eric Beecher, youngest editor of the SMH ever then founder of Text Media (and hence once my ex-big boss) and now of course owner of Crikey; Mike van Niekerk, online chief at Fairfax (and...

Liveblogging from the FOJ conference

Jay Rosen this morning used a fascinating metaphor for the situation of journalist in the new media world: we are migrants crossing the sea to a new land, some scared to leave, some excited, all imagining what the new world will be like without having been there yet....