Especially for Jess

Latest overheardnyc  brilliance:Brainy guy: I don’t think I’m going to buy any books next semester.Ditzy girl: So what do you expect to do, rent them from some sort of free book rental company?–Fordham UniversityOverheard by: Sromeo
Hamlet: the Facebook feed edition

Hamlet: the Facebook feed edition

Ganked from cavalorn :Horatio thinks he saw a ghost.Hamlet thinks it’s annoying when your uncle marries your mother right after your dad dies.The king thinks Hamlet’s annoying.Laertes thinks Ophelia can do better.Hamlet’s father is now a...

Fun on trains

A friend just posted this fantastic twin prank to a list I’m on. (Some of you know my mother is a twin and my sisters are twins. Unlike this lot though, they never dress alike.)It reminded me of another train prank: The London Underground Dinner Party. So of...