
In the beginning Love is wordless It is the touch of skin Suckling. A cuddle in the dark. Then love is simple I love you mama Means you are my world And you are comfort and Healing to me In teenhood love is mercenary. I love you ma means Thanks for letting me Borrow...

Infant zork

You are lying on your back in a large lounge room. There is one exit to the south-west. There is a brightly coloured play gym on the floor, shaped like a butterfly. > lick the play gym The play gym tastes blue. There is a rattle under the play gym. > pick up the...

5am feed

Your hold on the earth is so much less tenuous now I have sustained you with my body amazing thought your mouth to my breast eyes locked with mine filled with trust tiny hands tracing ancient angelic sigils on my skin your voice has changed from the frail bird-like...