Two reviews and a gripe

1. The Laramie Project, produced by the Strathmore Theatrical Arts Group, written by Moises Kaufman This ambitious play tackles the beating and aftermath of Laramie, Wyoming resident, Matthew Shepard in 1998. Anyone who was an adult back then will remember the shock...

Reflections on being

When I haven’t been catching up on work recently, I’ve been watching film festival films. The weekend has been particularly rewarding: I highly recommend Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth about climate change and global warming which I saw yesterday,...

Blessed are the peacemakers

There are certain moments that stand out after a political film about intense emotions, telling human gestures and moments of trust or intimacy or courage. In the case of I Know I’m Not Alone, Michael Franti’s new film, those moments include the way the...

Introducing Sociology

Finally got a chance to read this article hyperpeople sent me. It’s a superb sociological analysis of Eyes Wide Shut, one of my favourite films ever, and certainly my favourite Kubrick. I’d discussed the first line issues with Mark before (Alice’s...

Angels and cowboys

Last night, crystal_storm and I went to a session of MQFF and watched the boys’ short films. As a whole it was good: the first few films were the usual fare, narratives of first love and teen crushes, of older man meets younger man, of older inexperienced man...