Burning Man, part 9

Burning Man, part 9

Back to Media Mecca around 2.30 to make it to the media art tour. There was another insane dust storm, so they plied us with liquor until the storm passed and then a grand golden dragon named Abraxas pulled up outside the tent complete with warriors in Eastern-style...
Burning Man, part 8

Burning Man, part 8

Signifier found out where the steam bath was, so I headed over there. Oh wow. Inside a dome, they’d built a low wooden bench around the edges and the floor had wooden floorboards in a hexagonal pattern with gaps between. There was a keg of water that was boiling,...
Burning Man, part 7

Burning Man, part 7

I went to media cocktails and we got hit by a windstorm. This one wasn’t too bad and it was nice to hang out at the media space and sip my bourbon and mango-passionfruit Rockstar energy drink (it actually tasted pretty good…)Back to camp for dinner and a change of...
Burning Man, part 6

Burning Man, part 6

Spent the morning reading a book on Burning Man by signifier’s friend Jess Bruder. It’s brilliant, one of the most comprehensive and coherent compendiums on Burning Man that I’ve seen, filled with photos of art and stickers and the detritus of the culture. Her...
Burning Man, part 5

Burning Man, part 5

I head into Centre Camp for coffee with Karen from the Flaming Lotus Girls. There is a man there holding a sign. It says: I know something about you.So we walk up to him and ask him.“You think you’re normal,” he says to me. I laugh. Normal is about the last...