Burning Man, part 14

While eating breakfast Saturday, a woman named Kati wanders into the dome wearing nothing but a cream coloured silk scarf draped around her pale cream-coloured neck and carrying a pink parasol. She has pink ribbons in her hair and eyes tilted up like a pixie. She is a...
Burning Man, part 13

Burning Man, part 13

I got a ride on a weirdly tall bicycle up 2 to Intertidal. Someone gave me an ice-cold grape Otter Pop.The swimming pool was gloriously cold, one of those child’s inflatable pools that was just large enough to sit in up to my neck. I was alone there for a while, and...
Burning Man, part 12

Burning Man, part 12

On my way to a swimming pool aethyrflux had told me about at 2 and Intertidal, I saw that the queue for the “Talk to God” phone box was quite short. I picked up the phone.“Hi God.”“Hi. Before we start,” said the voice, “This is my male incarnation. As...

Burning Man, part 11

Headed to Center Camp for espresso then tried to get over to the steam bath again but the line was enormous and by then it was getting on for midday.I had interviews lined up with the crew from Mechabolic, which was an amazing project to build a 110-foot long machine...
Burning Man, part 10

Burning Man, part 10

aethyrflux and I wandered off and had one of those magical Burning Man nights where you meander across the playa talking about mysticism and science, emergent consciousness and creativity. We saw Swarm (I’d been looking for them for a few nights), four beautiful...