Burning Man, part 19

Burning Man, part 19

I return the wheel chair to BWB. I don’t want to mess up my leg but at the same time, I really want to climb the Steampunk TreeHouse and this is my chance. It was amazing. In fact, all of the incredible steampunk themed art this year was beautiful, a haunting...

Burning Man, part 18

I had plans but my back and leg mean I’m grounded if I want any hope of making it out again tonight. Thankfully, Priya’s partner Bijan kindly goes to get me coffee and there are other delightful people around to talk with. Around 3pm, someone mentions that they...
Burning Man, part 17

Burning Man, part 17

The same chaos reigns over at Crude Awakening. I have been hearing stories all week from Mills about her concerns with the safety of this project, so I am a little wary of standing too close. Yesterday, they were having trouble getting pressure into the 500 feet of...
Burning Man, part 17

Burning Man, part 16

I want to make sure we get out to the Man before the craziness starts, so we decide to leave. JJ and B and Karen come with us. I’m hoping for an art car but they’re all full.We tromp the distance to the Man and see the arms raise as we get closer. He’s been...
Burning Man, part 17

Burning Man, part 15

The park is much more fun with a crowd. We are all sleepy from the late night before and lie on the grass massaging each other’s backs and stroking each other’s arms. I want to go to the swimming pool again and everyone seems keen but they are languorous in the...