
The next day’s ride back got a slow start but once we were on the road, we had good conversations. I found it odd to be in a vehicle with people casually talking about “Barlow” (John Perry) and his two naked 19-year-old nubile young things in his RV at Burning...

Burning Man, the aftermath

Monday was bump-out. A hard work day of taking down the dome and packing up the tents, breaking down the camp in general. It was also a day of rising tempers as campmates and freeloaders didn’t pull their weight, as people’s lifts left without them, as others...

Burning Man, part 21

I wanted to be alone for this night, so after dinner I wandered out, planning to hitch a ride with a passing art car. Parked outside and waiting to go was the silver Sphinx. Serendipitous. So I climbed aboard and met Mato, the beautiful man organising things. He was...

Burning Man, part 20

Back at the Village, I went to open my last Ready to Eat Meal from Trader Joe’s when Rosa Anna asked me whether I wanted to share dinner with them. I’d seen her preparing it earlier, an amazing smelling ginger, garlic and cilantro (coriander) concoction with cream...