

Tarantula count for David: 0. There are however turtles, teensy-weensy turtles. Lots of them. Cutest ever. And squirrels. And hamsters. And pigeons that seem to be either trying to liberate the finches in the cages or get in there with them, I’m not sure...
Language is a virus

Language is a virus

It’s all very well to know theoretically that language is arbitrary and all meaning is deferred, to start to grasp Derrida’s notions of supplementarity. It’s another entirely to be surrounded by a tongue you barely comprehend and slowly feel those...
Hola. Hay muy caler!!!

Hola. Hay muy caler!!!

Translation: Man, it’s hot here. Bliss descended as I stepped off the plane. I was chatting with a clear-eyed ex-Yahoo! exec (go figure) who’d moved here to find himself. He spoke with serenity and calm, looking me directly in the eye, smiling. He wandered...