Six scant years

The year my daughter was born I thought maybe we were starting to get it right after all A woman was prime minister of Australia And Julia was eloquent and sharp And fought for justice, climate, all the ways (we thought) You’d expect a prime minister to be And...


I don’t know how (some) women do it — I see you out there (tumblr, Facebook, twitter, lj) — you are as virulent, vicious, outraged (hurt) as I feel by this endless parade, this daily offence, this unrelenting (drip drip drip) staccato of dismissal, disapproval,...


On the banks of the river Tajo I sat with Alvarez talking about Deleuze Curious, soft — moments of discovery. In Queensland heat — a bar at 11pm after cat empire reigned with those horns and that Wurlitzer sound circling around the heavens – How many of these...


In the first heat of summer 2014 I lost all my words. They fell away from me like scales Or rather were trapped in my head Unable to emerge from closed lips. Touch and gesture were left to me And so, being inadept in their use, I learned to accept discomfort Unable to...