

(With thanks and gratitude to Robert Borden) 1. 2017 was a good year for fear, a good year for screaming Not like some other good American years but it slid out of A year of celebrity death and televised suffering that we were all Only too happy to see the back of And...


Step out with me — the rocks and the waves are calling and I have something to show you. Step out with me — the ocean is singing to me, songs of spiral shells, seahorses, anemones and brine. Step out — you’re safe with me. It’s almost midsummer, I know, but...
Taming the sea

Taming the sea

I My daughter is stretched out on white sand, feeding the ocean. She says she is taming the sea — its wildness nibbles at her fingers. We have seen no dolphins today, nor any stingrays nor whales nor anything bigger than spiky brown coral that has washed up on the...


There used to be water in California; snowmelt rushing through ravines to coalesce laughingly as lakes and lagoons and other summer indulgences. That was long away and far ago, in some strange before time when the land wasn’t riven with cracks and the heat had some...


Rough-cut paper tells you it’s a first edition and the must takes you back — Years spent, nose down. Ink-smudges and fountain nibs, the romance Of Umberto Eco and sharp-edged medieval scores. There’s a deep Connection through time to these communities of...