sharps (pot au feu)

i am sitting in a darkened cinema rolling a spiky metal ringup and down my fingerspressing in sharpto stop myself scratchingsigils into skin again it’s history          soup that has been simmeringthrough generations...
The 6th Great Extinction

The 6th Great Extinction

There are no platypus under the bridge again today. It’s the fourth week in a row and we all ask each other Instead of ‘hello’, “Seen any platypus?” — hopeful And each time, it’s “Not today… not for a while…” None of us know whether it’s...
Beginner genie

Beginner genie

This is where you make your wishes after all, three sheets to the wind, thumb rubbing up the brown glassy condensation, wistful, dreaming of Kristobal or Mirabella or Carlos, in your bars and your nightclubs, sweat and grind, the neck of the bottle between long...


These things are the signs that, despite everything,there is meaning and order in the world:Fibonacci spirals on shells and ferns,on cactus and fingerprints, hurricanesand the spiral arms of galaxies;lattices in chrysoprase and mookaite,lapis lazuli and malachite,...
2017 was born with a scream

2017 was born with a scream

1. 2017 was a good year for fear, a good year for screaming Not like some other good american years but it slid out of A year of celebrity death and televised suffering that we were all Only too happy to see the back of And in a year where somehow no one noticed how...