We are planning on making birthdays and end-of-year about experiences more than about things, but we know that people will want to buy Harper presents. I figure I ought to have one spot to point people for things we’re after or at least brands that we think are desirable.

General guidelines:

We’re hippies… ideally, choose products that are local, hand-made or fair-trade, made with natural fibres (cotton, wood, paper, cornstarch). Reused is great! Second-hand means less landfill — but see the notes of caution below. Recycled is next best (we just found a terrific line called Green Toys that’s made from recycled milk containers and a line of books and floor puzzles from InnovativeKids that’s 98% recycled content).

Items we’d like & online stores:

Real world stores

In Melbourne, shops that stock eco-friendly and fair trade toys are:

Some notes of caution

If you find something you think is just adorable and it isn’t on this list, there are a few things to watch out for:

  • Doug is allergic to wool, fur and feathers. This means: no felt, no woollen toys, even though they’re natural.
  • We’d prefer not to expose Harper to toxic chemicals, volatile organic compounds and other fun things, even when something is second-hand. This means: choose wood and cotton first; no polyester filling or materials; ask whether the plastic toy is BPA-free; no PVC if it’s something she’ll hold or suck. Also, check “eco” toys carefully: we’ve found 100% silk items that are filled with silk, but covered in polyester and toys labelled Bamboo! in big letters that are actually 20% polyester.
  • We suspect Harper is gluten- and dairy-intolerant. This means: check that the gluten-free food you buy is also dairy-free (no milk, no cream, no butter, no yoghurt).

Thank you for helping us create a loving and safe environment for our daughter.

PS: gifts to charities on her behalf are also a wonderful idea.