Experience Music Project

Went to Seattle for a handfasting (friends of Doug’s). He took photos of the handfasting and all that jazz. I saved up my camera work for the next day when we went exploring the city and especially the Experience Music Project, which I’d first written about when it opened and had completely forgotten was in Seattle.

The curved lines of Gehry’s work are the same as Bilbao’s Getty but with the added riot of colour and intensity of texture. My first experience of it was travelling through it on the monorail. What a wonderful shock to the system.

And then inside, it’s a cornucopia of information about music and musicians, but I could have handled more samples of musical styles.

More images behind the cut.

Experience Music ProjectExperience Music Project

Experience Music Project

The crazy window. There’s a bear in there?

Experience Music ProjectSF Museum

SF Museum

These last two shots are of the other side, the Science Fiction Museum…

My man

^^ A rugged-up Doug