Ah, the fridge. It had to be thrown out eventually,
but not before it was immortalised in pixels…

We loved the fridge. We gave the fridge stickers.
All it ever gave us was pain.
All right, frostbite. And far too much ice.
And CFC poisoning…

above: the left hand side…all from UTS student’s union, I think… above: from the anarchist bookshop…
Above: Drop dead Fred…Fred Nile, the Christian homophobe in Australian government… Above: the flyer is for an English dominatrix service and was sent as a postcard by a friend…the round one reads “Grrls need modems” and is a geekgirl original…
Above: the little pink one is from the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras 1998(?) Above: dance proud, fuck safe, make revolution…one of rosanne’s favourite slogans…the “steal, don’t go hungry” sticker got us into trouble at a party once…(hi zen, if you’re reading this…)