In October, we went to the US on what Doug called the Tour de Harper. The timing was partly to make it to my cousin David’s wedding to the ever awesome Rachel and partly to get in before Harper’s plane ticket actually cost money. We ended up on nine planes in 30 days (enough that Harper soon learned the sign for plane and started making that sign — thankfully accompanied by happy smiles — every time she saw us packing suitcases).

The highlights of the trip were my cousin’s wedding (a beautiful, beautiful wedding, fantastic food and my gorgeous daughter dancing to music on the stage with anyone who would take her there); watching Harper bond with her niece (who is two months older than her); a day-trip across the Puget Sound on the ferry (I’m such a Grey’s Anatomy fan) and lunch at a gorgeous little café on Bainbridge Island by myself; dinner at Gorgeous George’s (oh my stars, the lamb… mmmmmmmm) followed by amazing, sexy, delightful circus at Versatile Arts, run by my friend Bev; watching Harper with her Aunt Linda and Uncle Michael and seeing her dressed for Halloween; watching Harper play with Laurel and Annika, the children of our US friends.

There are so many pictures — currently on my Facebook (I’m once again having thoughts about how I manage all my blogs and so on and I think I may need to set aside some of this time while I’m between contracts to consolidate and re-import various things into various places… and probably update the themes here, again).

Anyhow, that’s the personal musing…