I rang the Merri Creek Management Committee to enquire about planting a tree for Harper near the labyrinth and was told there are plans for that area and that the labyrinth is "not an official structure". I expressed my surprise and noted that many pagan groups, including ourselves, use the labyrinth on a regular basis. The guy I was talking with asked whether the council knew that and suggested he’d pass my number along to the guy who’s handling the plans. (He did say they had no problem in principle with us planting a commemorative tree and they’d just like to meet me on site to discuss its positioning…)

Shortly afterwards, coincidentally, subtle_eye  texted me saying there were earthworks near the labyrinth and I might want to check them out before Harper’s naming ceremony.

I walked down there today and they’ve removed all the enormous fennel that was in front of the labyrinth (yay) but they’ve also levelled the mounds that were shielding the labyrinth from the path and removed *all* the rocks, big and small (including that huge one I sat on to do the belly cast). The whole labyrinth is now in clear view of any passersby. Of the little grove next to the labyrinth, only two trees are still standing.

If you are someone who uses the labyrinth or cares for it, you might want to write a letter to the council or phone them so they know it’s valuable to the community. If you know someone who does (I know people who aren’t our friends regularly weed it…) please let them know. I’m going to call back the Management Committee tomorrow.