Doug and I are off on our "babymoon" as people are apparently calling the last holiday you have before baby arrives.

We’re leaving for Queensland this afternoon at 2pm and (shock, horror) I’m not taking my laptop this year. I may check in occasionally, but otherwise I’ll be offline until January 5.

I’ll be at Woodford Folk Festival from December 27 to January 2 and probably not reachable by phone, although I’ll go up to the amphitheatre and check for texts every so often. If you really, really need to reach me for some reason, crystal_storm  will have my Woodford contact info.

I’ll be in Sydney for coopstock  from January 2 until January 4 (this year’s festival is every single Oscar-winning animated short in history! how cool is that?) and spending January 5 with family and with turtlesnake .

I just wanted to end by saying that 2008 has been an amazing year for me, of change and growth, of a deepening love between me and Doug that I never thought possible, of the profound gift of pregnancy, of a workplace that appreciated and fulfllled me, and an incredible support network right here online. I really couldn’t have done a lot of this without you guys. This space allows me a connection with people I love deeply but rarely get to see in person and yet you are right here for me and you are my community. I’m not going to name names, because I don’t want anyone to feel left out if I forget someone, but I think you know who you are, you incredibly special people, who stimulate my mind, support me when I’m down, laugh with me when I’m up and just are your wonderful inspiring selves, no matter how far away or close you are. Thank you and here’s to an equally amazing 2009. Happy New Year!