This is hugely important. It’s the 60th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

The Australian Attorney-General has just announced a consultation panel to investigate the possibility of a Human Rights Act for Australia. We are one of the only democratic countries in the world without one.

The panel will be headed by Jesuit priest Father Brennan and will take written submissions until May next year.

Needless to say, GetUp has created a public submission page with some talking points to make contributing really, really easy. Go on, try it!

If you’d prefer to go to the source, read the terms of reference and write a full submission (as I will probably be doing in between feeding a baby! Yay! A project!), head on over to the official website. You can also get more information from the Australian Human RightsCommission.

Imagine being able to say to your children that you helped draft our national charter of human rights. Now imagine telling them you were alive at the time but didn’t get around to it or couldn’t be bothered. This is one you don’t want to miss.