Today was utterly wonderful. A marvellous picnic in the park with a parade of lovely friends, in the sun (although the wind was a bit of a pain) and then I wandered up High Street to the High Vibes festival where I bumped into many other friends and acquaintances, some of whom I hadn’t seen for a few months and who were amused and/or surprised to see I was pregnant, indulged in an intensely delicious organic, fair trade spiced orange hot chocolate with cashew milk, and danced my little tush off to Tsigas, a gypsy ensemble playing on the street, while hanging out with one of my students and her friends. I always really enjoy events like this: I love being on my own, being my own agent, floating from group to group as I please or wandering on my own. And next year, I’ll have a little bub with me, to dance and jiggle with like so many of the other mums and dads I saw.

I’m really loving life right now. I hope that for any of you who are going through dark times that there’s something you can hold on to and take pleasure in, because one day in the future, it will get better.