I feel somewhat remiss. In all of my busyness, I have failed to post anything meaningful about Babygate, the Fairfax strike or, for that matter, as my mother pointed out, the lgealisation of abortion in Victoria (about bloody time).

Since I don’t have anything more meaningful to say about Babygate than qamar just did, I’ll just point you at her journal and say "what she said". I’m scared that, far from being a stupid move, nominating Palin as VP could be a very smart move as middle America will identify with her — after all, her sordid family life right now very much resembles a lot of theirs.

As for the Fairfax strike, sacking 550 staff inlcuding 200 journos immediately after posting yet another big profit is another example of pandering to the shareholders at the expense of quality and I’m disgusted. Support the strike. Don’t buy Fairfax papers until it’s over.

More coherent analysis will probably not be found here for a little while… Sorry about that.