I’m not going to recap the arguments right this second (in part because I’m still finishing the reading and don’t have time; in part because I’ve taught domestic violence as part of previous subjects and don’t feel I need to). I may do so later… I’m a little annoyed with myself for not remembering to check the figures in the readings from last semester.

Instead I just want to think through my tutorial plan. I think I’m going to ask the students, first up, whether they agree we’ve established that there is such a thing as a harmful cultural practice and that such harmful cultural practices also exist in our culture. Then I’m going to ask them to think about the applications this course might have for them and the idea that they might end up in policy development or in international fora dealing with such issues. I’m going to argue that domestic violence, honour killings and forced marriage all consitute harmful cultural practices that involve violence against women. I’m going to ask them to form three groups: one dealing with domestic violence policy, one dealing with honour killings and honour crimes, and one dealing with child marriage. I’m going to ask them to formulate a coherent policy with practical outcomes to address these issues, along with initial steps for implementation. I think that might be about 20-25 mins. Then, appointing a spokesperson, each group should present their policy to the wider group. Say, 5 mins each, taking it to 15 mins total.