Two years ago,

  arrived on my doorstep with his suitcase.

At the time I wrote this:

Sunday was an extra special day for me. It’s been a long time since I’ve had this kind of intense physical and spiritual connection with someone, brief as it was.

  was here from mid-afternoon until he flew back to San Francisco this morning…

We walked down to the stone spiral and walked it, separately, for Samhain, then walked up to Westgarth and to Denn for dinner. Back home and it was one of those nights, discussions and intimacy ranging across crazy landscapes. It ended at about 5 this morning in my fabulous huge bath tub drinking scotch and eating organic orange chocolate…

What a perfect way to start the year. What a perfect way to warm my new home, first the housewarming and then this uisge beatha of a man ending the drought (and it’s been a long time between drinks). I asked the universe to let love into my home and my heart and it brings me this!

There was more, but that’s private. I honestly thought it was going to be a lovely one-nighter and nothing more. I even titled the post “Ships in the Night”. Anyway, happy anniversary, my darling. Thank you for knocking on my door. Thank you even more for ringing me when you got home and inviting me over to your place too. I love you.