Jay Rosen this morning used a fascinating metaphor for the situation of journalist in the new media world: we are migrants crossing the sea to a new land, some scared to leave, some excited, all imagining what the new world will be like without having been there yet. Not all of us will make it and there are people who are already there who we have to fit in with.

Worrying for some, he said that the person project-managing his Off the Bus campaign section at the Huffington Post is someone with no editorial background; rather, she was an online political campaign organiser. This perhaps bodes well for someone with my skillset, but I need to act and stop talking about it.

Meanwhile, a quick chat with Chris Nash during the tea break has already resulted in a card exchange and a discussion about tutoring at Monash.

Since there are no power points here, I’ll leave it at that and go back to listening to the panel on who will pay for journalism in the future, as at this stage my model looks like universities will be funding my existence and journalism will be a sideshow.