Back from a weekend of fabulous conversations with


and a fun night’s dancing with

. Listened to an interesting talk by

, although it was a bit of the usual for me and I’m looking for more these days. Mind you, it was that talk that kick-started the awesome conversation with Sarah and Cam about political change and temporary autonomous zones, so go Mark.

The music was okay but not consistent. The chill space music was great but it was so loud it was impossible to chill there. Robert Henke (aka Monolake) was why we were there: he’s now involved with my old friend Justine who I’ve known since high school. His experimental set before the opening ceremony was utterly awesome (and apparently he’s doing the same set at the Melbourne Planetarium next Saturday and at the NSW Art Gallery sometime soon, so if they’re not sold out, go check it out). His 2am set had technical difficulties that looked very frustrating and it started late because of them but what I eventually heard was good. Apparently the last 20 minutes were great but by then I’d gone to bed. I caught up with Justine’s ex, Ben and his new partner, Patch, who, coincidentally, I’d initially met through Justine’s ex-housemate Shabnum (man, what a twisted full circle). That was also lovely. I hung out in the chai tent with various people, including


and Hannie at various times.

The opening ceremony was good and has inspired my first poem in forever, so that’s an extra bonus. Now home and feeling very comfy and settled after a bath and a massage. I really love
