It’s true! We’re also selling things, but some things just have to go.

The little blue apartment will be having a clearance sale on Saturday, February 9. We’ll be selling a futon bed (base and mattress, queen-sized), a regular mattress (queen-sized, a year and a half old), bookshelves, pots and pans, some clothes, cushions and who knows what else. There will probably be knick-knacks. There may even be re-gifting. We’re giving away a washing machine (it’s Jack’s but we have permission) and we’ll happily take early bids for any of this stuff on the proviso you come and take it away as soon as you possibly can [1]. The unemployed and single parents may enjoy peppercorn price tags!

I’d love to say proceeds will be going to charity, but I’m afraid they’ll be replenishing the empty coffers after shipping all the beautiful stuff Doug and I bought from the States. It’s mostly my old stuff that’s going.

Come one, come all. Address e-mailed on request.

[1] We want office space back!! If you’ve ever tried fitting two two-bedroom apartments into one two-bedroom apartment, you might have an idea of what we’re going through.