Back in Cupertino… We just did 26 states in 30 days and it was just a tad insane.

I guess I was overcome by election fever in Austin. The next day in Austin was great, late morning cuddling listening to the rain fall on the roof, dragging ourselves out around 1ish for breakfast and getting a callback from Sandy Stone saying she’d love to meet up for coffee or something, so we all head to a place called Omelettry for fabulous omelettes, superb conversation and catch-ups.

From there, we planned to drive to Santa Fe, but a freak snowstorm halfway up I-10 put us behind schedule, so we decided to head straight for Palm Springs instead. A quick check of the map and we saw that Tombstone was only a few miles off the road. We stopped there for a cool but bizarre afternoon filled with whiskey at Big Nose Kate’s Saloon and re-enactors in the street.

Stopped in Phoenix, Arizona to have a meal with another friend of Doug’s. Finally made it to Palm Springs (there’s a lot of empty in the middle of this country). Met Doug’s ex-bf, Randy, who is absolutely fabulous, had the most amazing dinner at a Thai restaurant, talked about Randy’s current projects (I will be writing some great articles soon), watched his hummingbirds. Next morning I interviewed Randy officially on tape and then we headed out to a great Jewish deli for delicious latkes and sandwiches.

Reluctantly dragged ourselves away from his delightful company. Headed for Fresno to see Doug’s daughter and then back to Doug’s sister’s place.

So. Glad. To. Be. Done.

We had an incredible, incredible time but we’re both pleased to be stable for a little. Now there’s a whole lot of organization and then we’re on a plane next Friday heading for Melbourne.