Our last day in Cuzco was the day of the national census. To our astonishment, everything was closed. We had planned to get a bus to Maras, a taxi to Moray and then a bus back to Chinchero for the Sunday market. With no buses running, we ended up convincing a lovely taxi driver named Juan to take us all the way (it’s about an hour and a half drive) for 50 soles (a regular taxi trip in town is about 3).

As we drive out of the city, we end up in breathtakingly beautiful countryside. Juan tells us that his pueblo is nearby and we stop with a friend of his for a jack. The mountains ahead of us are covered in snow. The day is crisp and clear.

When we get to Moray, it’s amazing. We’ve seen so many ruins, but this is entirely different. This was the Incan agricultural lab — rings of terracing with a 30 meter drop from top to bottom but with a more than 15 degree drop Celsius. The Incas used it to test what crops could be grown at what altitudes. We are standing in a 600-year old scientific laboratory and it’s an awesome concept.

Chinchero turns out to be a lovely village which would be quiet and serene if it wasn’t for the clamor and push of the market folks demanding we look at their items instead of someone else’s. We buy various gifts for various friends and family.

Then it’s back to Cuzco, an early night for a plane at 7.15am, the day in Lima, first at the art gallery (excellent) and then more trinket shopping. Last stop, the bones of the Spaniard invaders under the church, just to fill in time, then a midnight flight back to the US.

All in all, a wonderful, wonderful honeymoon, and one we’ll remember for a very long time.



: Check out this stuff on quantum physics and consciousness. I think you’ll appreciate.